Tuesday, 23 January 2018

How to hide a folder, file in Your Computer

Hello friends. Today in this post we will learn about how to hide a folder in your computer. Friends, if you are living in such a family where many people use your computer or you are in hostel or any other place where you are living with other people and you want something secret from them. Then you should hide your private folder. So let’s go;

How to hide a folder in Your Computer

  1. Right click:

Right click on the folder you want to hide. Then go to properties.

   2.    Secret folder properties:

When you click on the properties then this window will be opened.

  • Now click on General button in this window.
  • Now tick out the hidden in the Attributes.
  • Click on OK  button.

Now your folder will be hide. Some people get worried about this that he has lost his folder but do not worry because your folder has not lost. It is only only hidden. You can recover it again easily. So let’s go. Recover our hidden folder.

    3.    Recover folder:

Go to the control panel of your computer. Then click on Appearance and personalization in control panel. Then click on Folder option. Folder option window will be opened. Now click on view tab in the folder option. Now, we have to change the settings of hidden files and folders. Means, we have to recover our folder.

  • Don’t show hidden files, folders or driver:

If you click on this option we will never recover our folder, file or drive again. We should click on this option.

  • Show hidden files, folders or drives:

Selecting this option you will recover your hidden folder, file or drive. You have to select this option to recover your hidden folder.
  • Now click on OK button. Your folder will recover again.

With this method you can easily hide your important private folder, file or drive. And no one will can see your private folder when you hide it.

Read: Friends, we share important information about computer, internet, earning online money, making blogs, websites, blog website developing tips, Technology News on thos blog. So keep visiting this blog regularly, share with your friends on social media. Feel free on commenting this post. You can ask about any Information about the above things.

Saturday, 20 January 2018

What are the best Ad units of Google Adsense

Website owners, bloggers and Youtubers know well about Google Adsense. It is the platform through which you monetize your blog, website or youtube channel. Means you will earn money in your website through Adsense. Every Adsense user earns a lot of money by placing the Adsense Ads on his Website, blog and Youtube channel. Google Adsense provides many different types of Ad units.  By placing these Ad units and when someone click on that Ads you will earn money. The payout limit is 100 dollars. When your earnings reaches to 100 dollars then you can get it.
There are some Ad units which are the best and you can earn more money with that Ad units. So today in this post we will study about that. If you want to earn more money with Adsense then read this post till end.

Which one is the best Ad unit of Google Adsense | Full Detail

If you have a blogger then this post is very useful for you. Because in this post i am sharing a very useful information with you.

  • Text and display ads

In this type of Ads you will get link and banner ads. Adsense gives you a code for this type of ad which you have to paste into your blog. Banner ads are like physical banners in which images with text or simple text banner ad is shown on your blog. Link ads are the ads which displays on our site in link or text format. But this type of Ads are not so good because sometimes it does not relevant according to our site. Due to this we get less clicks. And do not earn more money.

  • In Article ads

There ads display in the middle of the article. These ads come in native format. These are the best ads for a blog because these are very relevant with your blog and you can earn so much money with it.

  • In feed ads

These Ads display inside the posts. These ads are also in native format. And these are useful because these are relevant and you will get more clicks.

  • Page level ads

When someone go from your one page to another then these ads are shown. These ads show only in smartphones and these are not native. When someone visit your site and open a post on his smartphone then these ads are shown to him in full screen display. The visitors can easily close it because when it opens then there is shows the option of Close ad in one corner.

Friends. We learnt about the different types of adsense ads. Now we will learn about the best ads.

What are the best ads for your blog

Native ads are best for your blog in adsense. Because these ads are very relevant to your blog and you will get more clicks but you have to choose the right places for these ads.

Where have to place text/banner ads within your blog

These ads are good to apply in the header or the footer of your homepage.

Where have to place feed and article ads within your blog

Place feed ads between the two post and place the atricle ads inside the article.

Is this good to place page level ads

Placing this type of ads are very good because when someone leaves your one page and go to another then he will see these ads and may be click on that. Then you will be get more benefit.

Friends. If you like this post and you have learnt with this post then please share it on social media and keep visiting this site because we will provide you more good Information. If you want to ask any question. Then feel free to comment in the comment box.

Friday, 19 January 2018

How to secure your account with a strong password

Welcome to www.techkhiladi.blogspot.com
Friends. As you know that your account security is very important. You may face any difficulty at any time and your account should have secured. Now a days almost a lot of works are done through internet but now hacking is also very common. For this purpose internet users should have fully secured their accounts from hacking. But it is also our fault for not completely securing our accounts. We make accounts in gmail, facebook, yahoomail, twitter etc but do not watch it’s safety. Then how can we fully secure our accounts.
In this post, i am going to tell you about this.

How to secure our account with a strong password

We either create an easy password or we use one password in our all accounts. Due to these two mistakes it becomes very easy for hackers to hack our accounts. In order to keep our accounts safe or protect it from hackets we should create a strong password and should not be use the same password on our other accounts. Otherwise, after hacking our one account our all accounts can be hacked. Therefore we should avoid these mistakes. If you do not know how to create a strong password for your account then please carefully read this post. Because we will know how to create a strong password for our accounts.

Complete information about how can we protect our accounts with strong and different unique passwords

Hacking the accounts, blogs, websites are increasing day by day. The world big websites who are working day and night on their security are not safe from hackers. Besides this the Internet and mobile banking are also increasing. If hackers hack someone account then they can transfer all the money from their accounts. Therefore, we should create strong passwords for our all accounts. Here are some tips:

  1. Use both capital and small letters like; cHriStiNa.
  2. Also use numbers like cHriStiNa42
  3. Using special characters are very beneficial like;$#@&^/ etc.
  4. Make long password. Use from minimum twelve characters. Like AhMaDkHaN457*
  5. Do not use short or simple password.
  6. Always remember your password.
  7. Do not save your password in your any device. Alway sign in with entering your email and password again.
  8. Make different passwords for your every different account means create unique passwords for your every account like gmail, facebook, linkedin, yahoo etc.

If you create accounts according the above instructions your account will always secured and it will become impossible to be hacked.

Wednesday, 17 January 2018

What is bounce rate | How to reduce bounce rate

Bounce rate

A visitor comes to your site. How many pages he visits. This is called bounce rate.

How to improve bounce rate

Bounce rate affects on your site ranking. It is a very important part of Search engine optimization.
As much as your site bounce rate less be much better your site ranking and performance. When a visitor visits your blog he decides in few seconds to stay longer here and visit other pages or should leave. If your site contents and information are useful and helpful then he will stay longer and also visit many pages. Through which your site bounce rate will reduce.
But if he visits the first page and then closes then your site bounce rate will increase instead of decreasing. What are the reasons of bounce rate.

So Friends, lets go.
How to increase Adsense earnings

How the Bounce rate calculates

For example; 100 people visited your site in which 60 people visited another pages then your site bounce rate will 60% but all 100 people visited only first page of your site and then quit then your site bounce rate will be calculated 100%.

Reasons of high bounce rate

If your site bounce rate is high then you should take care about some things. If you want to reduce your site bounce rate then read this post till end.

  1. Website design and color

Site design effects on bounce rate. If your site design is irritated then visitor will leave from the first page. Beside this, if you have published a lot of materials on your home page then your site bounce rate will also high.

    2.     Page loading time

The main reason of your site high bounce rate is page loading time. If your site not opens in 4 to 5 seconds then the visitor quits before opening your site page. Therefore it is very important to keep less your site loading time.
Load your site with Cloudflare CDN quickly

   3.     Less of mobile friendly

I think you will know much that now most of the users come with smartphones. You will have seen in stats of your dashboard that from 55 to 60% percent visitors come with mobile phones. If site contents are not mobile friendly it also increases the bounce rate.

   4.    Low quality contents

The most of the important factor is the content quality. If the contents are not sufficient or have provided half information then it will also increase bounce rate.

Importance of Bounce rate

Bounce rate is very important for search engines. Through it The search knows about a site that how much is it useful. If a visitor stay for a long time and visits many pages then the search engine ranks your site otherwise not.

How to decrease bounce rate

  1. Create high quality contents

It is most important factor for your site. Write high quality contents. Give much time to your site contents. Make your contents interesting and unique.

    2.   Interlinking

Include the links of your other posts in your every post. Through it you will get two benefits. It will increase your pageviews as well as search rankings. Visitor will easily click on the link and will help you in reducing your site bounce rate.

   3.   Keep your page light

Do not make your page heavier. Do not include a lot of images videos or links etc. The visitors will feel difficulties and in result your site bounce rate will increase. Therefore keep your pages light.

 4.    Keep homepage clean

This is also a very important factor. Keep your homepage clean. Do not publish a lot of posts on your landing or homepage. Make many pages and then publish your posts on that pages. This will also reduce your site bounce rate.

Monday, 15 January 2018

Some useful tips to increase Adsense earnings

New adsense publisher learn a lot of things about revenue but he faces problems about understanding and applying it up. In this post i am telling you some tips which you can be easy to understand and follow. There are two main ways on which you can increase your CTR, CPC and eCPM or bring more and more organic traffic to your site. Following these two methods you can easily improve your adsense revenue. If you are a newbie blogger and do not know these methods then simply Optimize your site ads. Your adsense revenue will increase from 20% - 60%.   Some Important Tips for increasing Adsense revenue  Before you follow the below tips you may have to optimize your site contents and keywords. After that, follow these steps to boost your adsense earnings.  Test your website theme  Check your website theme that it is loading quickly and properly or is it taking more time to load or is it completely adsense friendly or not. As much your website is simple, fast loading and adsense optimised. It will get more better ad performance. Read Adsense Guidelines  Google has told about all the terms and conditions in its guidelines. If you want to earn more with adsense then you should read terms and policies of adsense.       3.   Choose popular ad units  Google adsense offers us many types and sizes of ad units. But you have to use most popular or mostly used in web pages ad unit. For example at 300×250, 728×90, 336×280.      4.     Use minimum ad units   Sometime ago, there were allowed three ad units per page. But later on, this policy has been removed. Generally, using two or three ads per page is better. Do not use more than three ads per page.     5.     Use both types of Ads  Adsense gives you two types of ads.  1. Text ads 2. Image ads  You can choose any type of ad if it text or image ad but i suggest you to use both types of ads. Because it is more beneficial for your site’s income. It is the best method of adsense earnings. And as well as design the ad color according to your site color because with it the users get more interested in the ads.  6.     Use minimum internal links  In a simple page in where there is no need of using more internal links do not use a lot of internal links. Using maximum internal links not only bad effects on your site SEO but also your adsense CPC will be low.  7.     Use Google search box  Generally, we use default platform search box but use Google custom search engine because it is better than that. It is not only user friendly but you can show the ads with o get benefit.

Saturday, 13 January 2018

What is Bitcoin | How to earn money with Bitcoin Complete detail

Hi Friends. There are a lot of methods of online earning. Many people are earning millions of dollars online. If you have your own website or youtube channel then you can earn enough money with Adsense.  But besides this there are a lot of many other online methods on which you can earn so much money.

How to earn with Bitcoin

If you want to earn money online then Bitcoin will be best for you. Bitcoin is a currency like Dollar but you can not see or feel it. It is only on the Internet. So let’s go i am going to tell you the complete detail how to earn money with Bitcoin.

What is Bitcoin

Friends, Bitcoin is a digital currency. You can not see or feel it but you can store it. Bitcoin was found by a Japanese economist named Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008. At that time it had no value. It had the value of less than 0.1 dollars. But now it has 3800+ dollars. You can guess with looking its price that how much its value and demand has been increased. One Bitcoin has 100,000,000 satoshi. Satoshi name has been derived from the Founder named Satoshi Nakamoto.
Bitcoin is an open source. There is not any control of any company or organization. And there is not the control of any Government. Therefore hackers use it in hacking. You have heard some months ago that a cyber attack was occured Ransomware wanacry virus. In which the hackers demanded the Bitcoins. Because no one can knows about its transaction that who has send and who has received.
If you buy Bitcoins and then sell after sometime. You can earn a good money. Rise and fall comes in the Bitcoin value. Bitcoin is like a share market who you store online and at the more cost you sell it and earn money with it.

How to earn money with Bitcoin

If you want to earn money with Bitcoin you can follow one of these three methods. But the best method is buying and selling method.

  1. Bitcoin buy & sell

If you have money then you can buy it. Bitcoin’s value changes. When its value increases then sell it and earn money. For example now you have bought the Bitcoin and its value is 2800 dollars. But if after sometimes its value increases and reaches to 3000 then sell it. This is the best method of earning with Bitcoin.

2.   Sell equipments and 
       payment with Bitcoin

If you want to sell equipments online. In return you get the Bitcoin and when the Bitcoin value increases then sell it.

3.    Bitcoin mining

You may know that all the transactions of Bitcoin are completing with a Mathematics type of question. When someone do the transaction then would have to verify and solve the question. If someone can not solve the question then he can solve it with another person and in return give him some commission. This is called Bitcoin mining. If you can do this then you will also earn money with this method. But you should have good computer in which a good processor and RAM.

What is Cloudflare CDN and how to setup it

Your website must be fast for the high rank in the Google search. Google rank your website when your site loading time decrease.
If you check on the internet you will know that maximum number of self hosted websites loading speed is very high. A lot of bloggers do not know about this problem.
A lot of bloggers are trying to decrease their site loading speed time but they do not able to get success. May be they do not know about Cloudflare CDN.
Today I am Telling You about Cloudflare CDN. Using it you can decrease the loading speed of your site. You will get a lot CDN (content delivery network) on the Internet but i suggest you Cloudflare CDN.
This is a very useful CDN network for the decreasing of your site loading time.

What is Cloudflare CDN

If you do not know about Cloudflare CDN then read carefully this post till end. In simple words it is a network which distributes blog contents according to user location as well helping in content fast delivery.
Cloudflare is also a network which helps to transmit blog contents to user quickly.

How to setup cloudflare CDN in blog

If your website loading speed is slow then I suggest you to use it. An average website has the speed of 2 to 3 seconds. But if you are website loading speed is 4 seconds or more 4 seconds. This is not good. It can create problems for you.

Before using this Network check your website loading time and after starting using this network. You will see the difference.

  • Register:

Go to Cloudflare CDN and signup or register.

  • Enter blog url:

After signup a page opens in which you enter your site url. Then click on Scan DNS records button.

  • Add DNS record:

A page will be opened. In this page add your domain DNS record. If you are blogger user then find your blog DNS record on godaddy (from where you have bought your domain). If you are wordpress user and you have bought your domain from any other hosting company except godaddy. Then find your DNS on cPanel.
Note: Sometimes the system automatically find out your site DNS then you do not need to find your DNS. If you see the same then you don’t need to find your DNS and click on Next.

  • Update nameserver:

Now  you have to change your domain nameserver. If you have bought your domain from godaddy then go to Domain Management and click on Manage DNS settings and remove the old nameserver and add the new nameserver of cloudflare. After ading the domain nameserver in godaddy click on Continue.

After this your blog will Install in Cloudflare CDN server. Server updating takes upto two hours of time. Meanwhile your site will be offline.
When the update completes you will receive a mail in your inbox. Aftet that you can open your site.
Cloudflare is very important for the best performance of your site. If you want to rank your site in Google then must use it.

So i hope you will have learnt how to add your site in cloudflare CDN for best performance. If you really want to increase your site loading speed then try it.

Friday, 12 January 2018

How to earn money with Fiverr/ how to make a new account on Fiverr

Hello friends. Today in this post I am going to tell you that how can you earn money with Fiverr. You have heard about Fiverr at sometime in internet.
How can we earn money with fiverr. You would have thinking that what is Fiverr.
Let's go I am telling You but read full post.
It is an online bazar where people are selling and buying but it is the bazar in which everyone can do his work only on $5. Thousands of people needs thousands different types of works or services. Some need facebook likes, some need making video, some need photos while some need mobile apps and websites. The people can fulfil these all needs in Fiverr.
If you can do something and can do any type of work online like article writing, photo video editing, making apps or websites, visiting cards then you can earn money on Fiverr doing someone’s work.

How to make an account in Fiverr

First of all you should go to Fiverr official website. For going official website.
Now the fiverr website will be opened before you. Here click on “Join” button. Now the “Join fiverr” will be opened before you. If you want you can join it with your email. When you enter your email address and then click on “Continue” button. You will an email in your inbox from Fiverr. Now open your Gmail account and open the Fiverr confirmation mail. Then click on the email given link to confirm your email address. Your account will be created. You can also Join it with your Facebook or Google plus profile. When you are joining. You will see these options.
“Your account has been successfully activated”. You will see this message. It means that your account has been created. If you want you can update it.

How to do account settings in Fiverr

When your account is created then your profile will be shown on the right side. When you click on that a form will open before you. Fill your details in this form.
  1. Write your name in the first box.
  2. Enter your email address in the second box. You can change it anytime.
  3. Give your name for payment.
  4. Write your full address where you receive payments on monthly basis.
  5. Write your country name here.
  6. After filling all the boxes in the form. Click on “Save changes” button.

After that you should do public profile settings.

Choose photo
By clicking “Choose photo” button upload your photo from your computer.

Something about you

In this box write about you. Your skills, profession, experience etc in 150 to 300 characters.

Online status

How much time you can online your gig (your one time complete work in Fiverr is your gig). Choose 1 hour or 2 or any other.

I can communicate in

Choose the languages in which you can communicate with the people.
Then click on “Save changes” button.

How to earn money with Fiverr

Now it’s time to start your gig means work and earn money. Which type of work can you get after making the gig.
Logo making, cv making, writing articles, making or editing photos or videos, designs, making apps or websties/blogs. Making ads etc.
You can get hundreds of works.

How to sell gig

First of all, click on your account. Then click on “Start selling” button. Then “create a gig” option.

  1. Gig title: Type your services title here. For example; if you want to make logos then type. I will make a good logo for you.
  2. Select category: Select your services category here in which you want to work.
  3. Cover photo: Upload a cover photo for your profile.
  4. Gig gallery: Here upload a photo of you in the given format.
  5. Discription: Here write your complete works and services description which you provide.
  6. Tags: Type some related tags in this box.
  7. Duration: Set your duration here that in how much time you can complete a gig.
After filling all the boxes. Click on save button.

You can get your payments with paypal too. If you have not understood. You comment or contact with me.

Thursday, 11 January 2018

What is freelancing?How to earn money with freelancing

Hello friends. Online earning is a very difficult task. But freelancing is a very good platform we are you solve the problem of your client and according to your skill you get paid.

How the freelancing works?

  1. Client is working on a freelancing site.
  2. You are applying for any job on any post of any client according to your skill.
  3. Client reviews your profile. After reviewing your profile he sends you a message.
  4. You complete the client project.
  5. You get the payment.

Freelancing has helped thousands of people to earn money in their homes

Many people who make start a successful career in freelancing quit their previous job because this is a very easy way to earn money in home. After reading this post you will know how to start freelancing according to your skills.
Friends, i suggest Upwork freelancing in starting because thousands of jobs are posting here in a day.

Step1.    Choose skill:
Choose your skill in which you want to work.
  1. Go to the page where you learn about all the skills to choose your desired skill.
  2. Now choose the skill in which you can work and you are experienced.
  3. After that check all your skill related jobs. In which you want to start work.
  4. When you find a job suitable according to your skill. Apply for it.
  5. If you feel that you do not have the knowledge or skill or experience to complete the work then select another category on the left sidebar.

Step 2.    Join Upwork

Now register to Upwork and create your professional profile because all the clients who will work with you in future review your profile page then they will offer you a job. Then i will suggest you that make an attractive profile.
If you are feeling difficulties in creating an attractive profile then check the other freelancers profiles of your field and create your profile like those to get more work.
After creating your profile the Upwork team will review your profile. This can take 4 to 7 hours. After this you can start work.

Step 3.    Job bidding:

Now your profile is approved. You should bidding on the clients posted jobs. For this, you should have to submit proposal.
Here you will be in competition with other freelancers so you will feel trouble in taking any job. Because more experienced freelancers will bidding than yours.
For submitting a proposal first search a job of your interest. Then bid on that according to your skills.

You will get two types of jobs in Upwork

  1. Hourly jobs: In this type of job you should have to work hourly. And you will get paid hourly. If the clients pays 10 dollars per hour and want 6 hours work. Then he will pay you 10 × 6 = 60 dollars
  2. Fixed price jobs: In this type of jobs you should have to complete the work in fixed rate.

Note that Upwork gives 30 jobs per month in free membership plan. I suggest you do not bid in every project because this csb suspend your upwork account.

Reasons of blog no earning

Earning money with your blog is not difficult but it is not as easy as we think. Everyone wants to earn money with his website but only a small number of people get success. Some people get success but they can not earn enough money with their websites or blogs. Today in this post we will discuss why the blog not earns enough money, reason of blog no earning, reason of no earning with website. Leaving study about the fifty reasons after this you will not do these mistakes.
If you have consumed a lot of time and how not gotten the the success to earn money from your blog then this post can be helpful for you.
  • If you are counting is the Kings then you work your keywords are the Queen's. make sure that you have three keywords every posts and pages.
  • It is a fact that 99 percent of bloggers are not earning from their blogs. So normally it can also happen with you.
  • If you are using so many ad contents at the same time on your blog like Google adsense, affiliate links and other referral URLs.
  • You are using a ad Network which do not pay you or pay a small amount of money. Like 0.01(which is not good).
  • You are writing contents only for making money not for your site visitors.
  • Using irrelevant ads in your site.
  • Consuming more time on social sites or trying to attract low interest people.
  • You have hired a bad market. Or you have acted upon on the advice of a bad marketer that you will gain so much traffic and money.
  • You do not know that what is the goal of your website. You are thinking only about earning with your website.
  • You are poor in your blogging niche or you have chosen a topic in which you have no knowledge or you are not interested.
  • You know only a few methods about earning with blogging.
  • Working for fraud companies to earn more money.
  • You do not update your site regularly or weekly, monthly or yearly update it.
  • You are copy pasting other people blog contents.
  • Your site design and speed is not user friendly.
  • Your audience confused after visiting your site.
  • Your content is common and boring because you can not do any new or better than others.
  • Your site contains on dirty contents and the people do not want come here.
  • Your site have a huge contents and the user are confusing where to go.
  • You are writing very short contents.
  • There are many spelling mistakes in your posts or you publish without review.
  • There are many pop ups in your site.
  • Your site design is very colourful.
  • You are wasting most of the time in these thoughts that why the visitors are not coming.
  • No time for working on your site.
  • You do not want that the people spend more time on your site.
  • You do not chat time to time with your visitors or do not make any type of relationship with them.
  • The commenting system on your site is not enabled or you do not reply any comment.
  • Using a lot of images or animations in your site posts.
  • Your site design is very dark and the visitors feel trouble reading your posts.
  • Redirecting the users to other pages without telling them.
  • Spending most of the time on the SEO for your blog. And give less time to work.
  • You are in contact of such a person who do not know about blogging.
  • You have hired a bad SEO expert.
  • You feel that there is no any shortness in your blog and you know about SEO.
  • You are selling text ads only for $10, $20.
  • Much spam traffic, comments and robots problem and you do not care.
  • Your site does not get high rank in Google or other search engines. And your site has a small organic traffic.
  • You feel that you will get good traffic on stealing the titles or topics of other people.
  • You have no income goal. You just want unlimited money.
  • You are just doing blogging. You do not know how to earn with blogging.
  • You think that blogging is the best method for earning not for sharing your thoughts.
  • You are wasting too much time in crying and worrying.
  • You are spending much time in article reading not following.

Wednesday, 10 January 2018

Some top and best websites for checking broken links

Broken links are the links which are added mistakenly in our blog or we delete any post, page or file. This creates problems for search engines and your readers. Therefore solving the dead hyperlink problem is very necessary. If you do not solve it then your site ranking will reduce in search engines. Today i am going to tell about some websites for checking this problem. In which you can detect 404 broken link of your site. And your website will become SEO friendly.
In this post i am going to tell you about 5 free online 404 broken links checker tool. Which will show the dead links on your site. With the help of these websites you can fix broken links on your site will increase your site rankings in search engines.

Why is it necessary to fix the broken links.

When we remove any post or file on our site. When someone opens it. It shows 404 broken link which is not good for search engines and your site visitors. The search engines do not like it It is necessary to fix this problem.
If you are WordPress user then you can fix this problem by using broken links plugin but if you are using Blogger then you should visit anyone of the following website.

W3C link checker:

In this website you can not only detect broken link but you can also detect any problem on your site. There are many website templates in which the redirection codes are added. This website will also tell you about redirection codes.

Dead link checker:

This website is very simple and easy in using. This website tells you the titles of broken links as well as the complete information about it that where is added the broken link in your post. Through it finding broken links on your site will become easy.


This is another best online broken link checker website. Its tool gives you the clear information of your broken link. With the help of it you can easily remove broken links in your site. This website gives you the clear information of all good and bad links in your website.

Free links checker:

This website tells you not only the internal broken links but also the external links. Means if there is any external broken link on your website then it will tell you. In addition it tell about the expired images in your website too.

Online broken link checker:

This website also gives you the internal as well as the external links in your site. This website gives you the information about the locations of all the broken links.
If you have not yet removed the broken links on your website then visit any website in the above. It will take the time of only ten minutes.
If you find this information helpful then please it on social media like Facebook or Google+.

Tuesday, 9 January 2018

How to transfer or share your data from one computer to another

Hi friends. Today in this post I am going to tell you that how can you transfer your data from one computer to another.
Sometimes you have to transfer your data from one computer to another but if you do not want to transfer it from pen drive because a lot of time is waste and transfer speed is slow.
With pen drive you can transfer less than 64 GB data. But if you have to transfer more than 64 GB data then you can use external drive.
Hard drive gives you a lot of space. I use 300 GB data in my hard drive. Through it i easily transfer my files from one computer to another.
Sharing files with another computer with lighting speed you have to need a LAN cable.
LAN cable is a cable through which we connect two computers. Using this you can share the data of both the computers with each other.
If you do not want to use LAN then you can also use Wifi network on your laptop but it can take a lot of time to send file from one computer to another. There are several methods to send files from one computer to another but I like LAN Cable because using it you can transfer upto one terabyte of data. You can also make a self Network connection and can connect upto 1000 computers at one time. Well, it is used for network sharing but you can also use it for data sharing. It is mostly used in offices and colleges. Using it they connect all of their computers.

Hard drive

Hard drive is a storage device and it works to read or write the data. Using iy you can transfer big files from your one PC to another PC. It works as a pen drive but it is bigger than that. You can transfer the data of more than 500 GB but it depends on your hard drive storage capability. First you have to copy your data from one computer then you have to go to another computer and paste your data there.

Pen drive

It is a mini device for data storing. You can store a limited data in it. If you have to transfer small files from one computer to another then you can use it. It is a better data sharing device for less than 64 GB data.


If you have laptop and  your laptop has Wifi or you have installed Wifi software. Using it you do not need an internet connection. It is a best method for laptop to laptop data sharing. Its speed is like a pen drive and you can transfer upto 100 GB data. you can install xanderor share it file in your computer. It gives up to 4 Mb per second transfer speed.


Bluetooth has become so much old for data sharing. Using BT.4 you can share maximum 1GB of data. It is not so much will for data sharing but if you have not found any data sharing device then you can use it. Bluetooth can be used for laptop to laptop data sharing. If your computer have no Bluetooth then you will purchase an adaptor but its speed is so much slow.


We are all using internet but a small number of people know that through internet we can transfer or share files from one computer to another Dreamweaver is an application through which we can do it and we also control other computers too.