Hi Friends. There are a lot of methods of online earning. Many people are earning millions of dollars online. If you have your own website or youtube channel then you can earn enough money with Adsense. But besides this there are a lot of many other online methods on which you can earn so much money.
How to earn with Bitcoin
If you want to earn money online then Bitcoin will be best for you. Bitcoin is a currency like Dollar but you can not see or feel it. It is only on the Internet. So let’s go i am going to tell you the complete detail how to earn money with Bitcoin.
What is Bitcoin
Friends, Bitcoin is a digital currency. You can not see or feel it but you can store it. Bitcoin was found by a Japanese economist named Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008. At that time it had no value. It had the value of less than 0.1 dollars. But now it has 3800+ dollars. You can guess with looking its price that how much its value and demand has been increased. One Bitcoin has 100,000,000 satoshi. Satoshi name has been derived from the Founder named Satoshi Nakamoto.
Bitcoin is an open source. There is not any control of any company or organization. And there is not the control of any Government. Therefore hackers use it in hacking. You have heard some months ago that a cyber attack was occured Ransomware wanacry virus. In which the hackers demanded the Bitcoins. Because no one can knows about its transaction that who has send and who has received.
If you buy Bitcoins and then sell after sometime. You can earn a good money. Rise and fall comes in the Bitcoin value. Bitcoin is like a share market who you store online and at the more cost you sell it and earn money with it.
How to earn money with Bitcoin
If you want to earn money with Bitcoin you can follow one of these three methods. But the best method is buying and selling method.
- Bitcoin buy & sell
If you have money then you can buy it. Bitcoin’s value changes. When its value increases then sell it and earn money. For example now you have bought the Bitcoin and its value is 2800 dollars. But if after sometimes its value increases and reaches to 3000 then sell it. This is the best method of earning with Bitcoin.
2. Sell equipments and
payment with Bitcoin
payment with Bitcoin
If you want to sell equipments online. In return you get the Bitcoin and when the Bitcoin value increases then sell it.
3. Bitcoin mining
You may know that all the transactions of Bitcoin are completing with a Mathematics type of question. When someone do the transaction then would have to verify and solve the question. If someone can not solve the question then he can solve it with another person and in return give him some commission. This is called Bitcoin mining. If you can do this then you will also earn money with this method. But you should have good computer in which a good processor and RAM.
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