Wednesday 17 January 2018

What is bounce rate | How to reduce bounce rate

Bounce rate

A visitor comes to your site. How many pages he visits. This is called bounce rate.

How to improve bounce rate

Bounce rate affects on your site ranking. It is a very important part of Search engine optimization.
As much as your site bounce rate less be much better your site ranking and performance. When a visitor visits your blog he decides in few seconds to stay longer here and visit other pages or should leave. If your site contents and information are useful and helpful then he will stay longer and also visit many pages. Through which your site bounce rate will reduce.
But if he visits the first page and then closes then your site bounce rate will increase instead of decreasing. What are the reasons of bounce rate.

So Friends, lets go.
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How the Bounce rate calculates

For example; 100 people visited your site in which 60 people visited another pages then your site bounce rate will 60% but all 100 people visited only first page of your site and then quit then your site bounce rate will be calculated 100%.

Reasons of high bounce rate

If your site bounce rate is high then you should take care about some things. If you want to reduce your site bounce rate then read this post till end.

  1. Website design and color

Site design effects on bounce rate. If your site design is irritated then visitor will leave from the first page. Beside this, if you have published a lot of materials on your home page then your site bounce rate will also high.

    2.     Page loading time

The main reason of your site high bounce rate is page loading time. If your site not opens in 4 to 5 seconds then the visitor quits before opening your site page. Therefore it is very important to keep less your site loading time.
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   3.     Less of mobile friendly

I think you will know much that now most of the users come with smartphones. You will have seen in stats of your dashboard that from 55 to 60% percent visitors come with mobile phones. If site contents are not mobile friendly it also increases the bounce rate.

   4.    Low quality contents

The most of the important factor is the content quality. If the contents are not sufficient or have provided half information then it will also increase bounce rate.

Importance of Bounce rate

Bounce rate is very important for search engines. Through it The search knows about a site that how much is it useful. If a visitor stay for a long time and visits many pages then the search engine ranks your site otherwise not.

How to decrease bounce rate

  1. Create high quality contents

It is most important factor for your site. Write high quality contents. Give much time to your site contents. Make your contents interesting and unique.

    2.   Interlinking

Include the links of your other posts in your every post. Through it you will get two benefits. It will increase your pageviews as well as search rankings. Visitor will easily click on the link and will help you in reducing your site bounce rate.

   3.   Keep your page light

Do not make your page heavier. Do not include a lot of images videos or links etc. The visitors will feel difficulties and in result your site bounce rate will increase. Therefore keep your pages light.

 4.    Keep homepage clean

This is also a very important factor. Keep your homepage clean. Do not publish a lot of posts on your landing or homepage. Make many pages and then publish your posts on that pages. This will also reduce your site bounce rate.

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