Tuesday 5 December 2017

How to earn money through Google Adsense

Google adsense monetize the contents of their publishers. This is the best platform in internet to get monetize by your hard work. This is reality that a lot of people are earning a lot of money through it. If you have website or blog or a youtube channel in which you provide some useful contents then you can earn money through it. There are two types of Google Adsense.

1. Hosted Adsense
2. Non hosted Adsense

Hosted adsense is used for youtube channel and non hosted adsense is used in your blog or website. You can use non hosted adsense both in your youtube channel and blog.
I have written many articles about this in this blog. You can also read it in my other articles.

It is managed by Google. To get hosted adsense you should get 10000 lifetime views in your youtube channel. While if you have to get Non hosted adsense account you should have to write at least 40 posts minimum of 400 words.
It monetize the contents on pay per click. As much the ads of your blog has been clicked your blog will get as much money. Means someone comes to your site to see web contents. Then he clicks on any of the ad so your site will be paid of that click. It monetoze contents according to the advertizers bid. As much the advertizers give money on an ad then the adsense monetize the contents according it.

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