Tuesday, 26 December 2017

How to inrease the viewers and subscribers of your youtube channel

      Every youtuber wants a will growing youtube channel. He wants progress as soon as possible. Therefore he works very hard day and night. A lot of youtubers quit their struggle for developing their youtube channel. Some become frustrated and disappointed. A lot of youtubers do not know the ways on which they can grow very easily.
In this post i am going to tell you about the ways on which you can easily grow your channel.
  1. Social sites have a lot of people.And you can promote your videos free of cost. Social media presence is very necessary for your youtube channel. Share your videos on social sites like Facebook, Reddit, Linkedin Google+ etc. But it make sure that share only in the related communities. For example: if your channel is about beauty tips then find out that communities in Google + join it and then share your video there. In Facebook if you share a video. It shows a smaller thumbnail but you can use a large video thumbnail also. For this you should use another website named link2fb.com. Copy your video URL and paste it in this website. After a few seconds it will give you another link. Copy that link and paste it into your Facebook page. So, it in Your Facebook page also.
  2. Choose a good name for your channel. Must write your channel discription. Upload a profile photo and also make and upload a logo for your channel.
  3. Embed your videos in your blog or website. This will grow quickly your channel. The visitors of your website will also come to your channel.
  4. Comment on the other related channel videos. If you comment on the other channel videos. This will increase your reputation and popularity.
  5. Always make or choose from your video a good thumbnail. Because a good thumbnail has a good impression.
  6. Always write your video discription and tags. For this you can use some websites. I recommend you to use Ytpro.com for your video discription and betterwaytoweb.com for your tags.
  7. You can promote your video through Google Adwords by payment money. Google Adwords is a good paid video promoting platform. Through which you can fastly develop your channel.
  8. You can also use Facebook to promote your channel by payment.
  9. Tube buddy is a good website for improvement of your channel.
  10. You can promote your one video in another video also.

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